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Annotation of magazine number 7, July 2017

00:00 08.08.2017 •


Shafranik Y.,  Energy sector has turned an area of keen competition recently

American shale oil with its price dropping from 80 dollars for a barrel to 40 dollars  has turned into a serious competitor at the world oil market. That’s why now it’s possible to speak about a revolution in this sector. They managed to do it thanks to a cost reduction due to work efficiency, sweeping all the things of a secondary importance from oil companies, by means of acceptance of a contract-based service and encouraging competition. There are no any other “prescriptions” and it’s true at the same extent for us as well.  

BudaevА., Presence of Russia in Nicaragua in modern period of time: the significance and special features of the “soft power” factor in the bilateral relations

Russian “soft diplomacy” in Nicaragua is – in a great measure – a determining vector of the whole bilateral relations complex in its development. Presence of Russia in Nicaraguan soil could be determined as  diverse, multidimensional and increasing on the base of the principles of mutual respect, equal rights, consideration of each other’s interests and mutual benefit.

Ivashentsov G.,  Korean crisis: does an exit exist?

It looks like 2017 is going to be a year of aggravation of the situation around Korea. Assumption of power by Donald Trump in the USA coincided with  development of a new stage of North Korean nuclear missiles program. In the matter of fact it means a prospect for North Korea to create a full-fledged potential of nuclear missiles with a great possibility to survive a first strike causing in retaliation an unacceptable damage to the USA taken as enemy.  


Vassiliev V.,  Helmut Kohl. Pragmatist, patriot, European

The departure of a prominent statesman and politician, former Chancellor of Germany, Helmut Kohl, has reminded once more of a historical role of an individual gifted with a strategic thinking, tactic self-control, the capacity of listening and hearing partners and opponents  personality, of compromising knowing responsibility for preservation of the civilization.

Babynina L., Brexit: beginning of a difficult negotiation

Last year they had a plebiscite in UK won by euro-skeptics. It took another nine months for British government to work out its concept of future relations with EU and determine a profile of leaving. However the suggestions given by the conservatives bear more questions then answers.

Epaneshnikov V., Features of the international trade system and the future of  trade relations of Russia and EU

The trade between Russia and EU lately has been characterized by an unparalleled decrease of goods exchange though one should mention some positive trends appearing in the current year. In EU they had a rather reserved attitude towards the problem of downfall in trade relations with Russia because of its various aspects related to European Union which had spared any excessive concern for our partners.   

Litvak N., Trade union movement within contemporary diplomatic service of France

The trade unions which the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France and of its missions abroad has membership of are involved into activity, traditional for organizations of this kind, that is achieving of mostly economic goals. And with it trade unions historically took part in social and political struggle. Under the conditions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs this side of the trade union movement has a rather peculiar look.    

Okhoshin О., Early election in Britain: looking from Celtic regions

Early parliament election of 8 of June 2017 could be taken as a turning point in the political history of Great Britain. It was the third national voting in the last two years. According to its results none of the parties had had more than a half of mandates (326), that is it was formed a “pending parliament”.


BorissovА.,  Munich tragedy. Reflection on lessons to be taken from the fate of Czechoslovakia

The history of Munich Deal that turned proverbial now looks more than a timely one, because then, as it is today, there was a powerful propagandistic curtain created by the “peacemakers” around the USSR that seriously confused Western public opinion in respect of real threats coming from the aggressive states, and on the contrary originated a great suspicion of the policy and intentions of Moscow.   

Diukov А.,  Concerning the number of persons shot by the NKVD in Kuropaty

Contrary to wishes of those who would like to use the tragedy of Kuropaty for political purposes there aren’t hundreds of thousands and even tens of thousands of victims shot lying in the forest not far from Minsk.  However it doesn’t mean that memory of the victims of political repressions shouldn’t be perpetuated. A recent statement made by the President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenco, about a memorial, planned to be built in  Kuropaty would be a clear evidence that memory of the tragedy of  1937-1938 and its victims still remains in Belarus and in Russia as well.


Kokorin А.  We had neither tornados nor typhoons

It is impossible to find an exact cause of abnormal phenomena, but the fact is that they keep coming about. According to measurements taken throughout the whole territory of Russia it is an intrusion of cold air masses along a meridian.  Slight intensification of greenhouse effect resulted from human economic activity being transformed through complex models of interaction of the ocean and the atmosphere leads to phenomena of the kind.


Popov I.,  Analysis from an institute of international research: forecasts of the situation in the Middle East and American view of global trends  

There are two revives of analytical reports calling the attention of readers. The authors of the study named “Medium-term forecast of situation development in MENA” are the director of the Center of the Middle East Research at the Institute of Mass Information, Fedorcenco A. and senior staff scientist, Krylov A. The other report I titled “Future in the eyes of the USA intelligence. Analytical review of the report from National Intelligence Council of the USA “Global trends: paradoxes of progress” is by the director of Center of North European and Baltic Research at the IMI, Gribin N. 

Olenchenco V., Latvia: images of independence  

Some convincing refutations concerning the thesis of allegedly “genetic” origin of confrontation of Russia and Baltic countries you may find in the book titled “Mission in Moscow. Messages coming from Latvian diplomats in the USSR. 1935-1937”. The books offers authentic documents sent by Latvian diplomatic representatives from Moscow in 1930-th in order to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia on focal international problems existing in that period of time. The book was prepared by a well-known Russian researcher, Simendey V, and his Latvian colleague, Kabanov N. 

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