«KUBAN CSC - 2022»
Oleg Khramov, Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on Information Security of the Security Council of the Russian Federation
Greetings to the organizers and participants of the International Conference on Information Security
Andrey Krutskikh. Speech at the plenary session of the International Conference on Information Security "Kuban CSC-2022"
Born as a" toy "of geniuses, ICTs were immediately "straddled" by the US military-industrial complex, militarized by them. In a relatively short period of time, by historical standards, they have firmly entered the arsenal of military and foreign policy of states.
Key words: ICT, cyber technologies, IIB.
Sergey Boyko. International information security: new challenges and threats
Challenges and threats from the West and its allies related to the use of ICTs in the military-political .
Keywords: IIB, ICT, Internet
Andrey Vikhlyaev. On the importance of forming mechanisms for international law enforcement cooperation in countering the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes
One of the most important areas of improvement of the international information security system is to create conditions for law enforcement agencies to use mechanisms for exchanging information on a mutual basis, allowing them to promptly identify, prevent, suppress and investigate crimes committed using information and communication technologies.
Keywords: IIB, cyber threats, digitalization, ICT
Olga Melnikova. International cooperation in the field of information security: strategies, agreements and new legal models
Russia was at the origin of the negotiation process on IIB issues and for more than 20 years has been forming the main conceptual approaches and cutting-edge ideas on the international track. We initiated the formation of a global IIB system based on the principles of conflict prevention in the information space and promotion of the use of ICTs for peaceful purposes, as well as the participation of the entire international community in the development of generally accepted binding norms of international IIB law.
Keywords: IIB, ICT, ITU
Nikita Shevtsov. Revolution, Diplomacy, Mozart For the 150th anniversary of G. V. Chicherin
Chicherin did a great job meeting with envoys of the republics and state entities that later became part of the USSR. The result of this difficult work was the decision taken on December 8, 1921 at a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), according to which the allied countries could not conclude international treaties without the approval of the NKID. Thus, with the help of domestic diplomacy, the foundations of the future of the USSR were laid.
Keywords: Tambov, usadba Karaul, G. V. Chicherin, B. N. Chicherin, NKID, Brest Peace, Rapallo Treaty, Mozart
Hakob Torosyan. Approaches of the Russian Federation to UN peacekeeping operations
As of 2022, Russia is participating in nine UN peacekeeping missions. At the same time, Russia is considering the possibility of participating in peacekeeping operations and regional organizations, noting that in such cases, the actions of organizations are limited to a certain territory. Russia resorted to a similar operation within the framework of the CSTO, for example, during the riots in Kazakhstan in January 2022.
Keywords: peacekeeping, peacekeeping operations, UN, UN reform, Foreign Policy Concepts (CFS), "responsibility to protect"
Boris Martynov. The Monroe Doctrine as the Will and Representation of the United States of America
The core of the Monroe doctrine is militant liberalism as a fundamental foreign policy credo of the United States. From this point of view, it can be argued that in a broad, "philosophical" sense, the Monroe doctrine went beyond the Western hemisphere, claiming to be worldwide.
Keywords: Monroe doctrine, foreign policy of the United States of America, national and cultural identity, national psychology, British legal system
Lev Klepatsky. Polish geopolitical ambitions and their consequences
Before our very eyes, a new balance of power is being formed in the European space, and it itself can acquire a new configuration. This new trend is developing as a result of the active and increasingly aggressive foreign policy activities of the Republic of Poland, supported by the United States of America and the United Kingdom, which are interested for various reasons in creating a new balance of power in Europe.
Keywords: Poland's foreign policy, Visegrad Four, Three Seas project, US-Europe relations, Poland's role in the EU, Lublin Triangle
Sergey Korotkov. Malicious disinformation campaigns are a destabilizing factor in maintaining international information security
The number of cyber attacks on Russia in 2022 increased by 80%. And since the beginning of the special military operation, the power of DDoS attacks on Russian resources has increased, the duration of each of the cyber attacks in May this year reached 57 hours.
Keywords: cyber attacks, IIB, ICT, information wars
Yuri Sayamov. On the reasons for the West's hatred of Russia
Unlike other European powers, Russia never participated in colonial wars and divisions on other continents, but expanded by annexing neighboring territories and advancing on its Eurasian continent towards Siberia and the Far East. Gaining new territories and possessions, Russia caused envy, jealousy and concern in Europe and beyond.
Keywords: Russian statehood, collective West, Crusades, Russophobia, information wars
Alexander Kartashov. On the development of hydrogen energy in China
Large-scale use of hydrogen in the future will make significant changes not only in the structure of the energy balance of the PRC, but also affect the international architecture of energy trade. It should also be taken into account that the hydrogenic direction is very metal-intensive. Further scaling up of the use of hydrogen technologies, as well as the growing potential of China to export equipment in these areas, leads to an increase in Chinese demand for metals, including rare earths.
Keywords: China, hydrogen energy, "green" hydrogen, "hydrogen cars"
Ivan Kravchenko. Averell Harriman. An oligarch in the diplomatic service
Averell Harriman modestly described himself in big politics as "an adventurer who makes decisions when the need arises," but in reality he was a businessman, cold-blooded, calculating, strategic, practical to the core. He understood that a break in relations and confrontation would not earn money, and therefore he was ready to recognize the legitimacy of the interests of the USSR and meet them halfway, if they did not contradict the American ones.
Keywords: Averell Harriman, World War II, Soviet-American relations
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