Message from the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev to the readers of the magazine "International Affairs"
Dmitry Medvedev, President of the Russian Federation
In his address, the head of state stressed that Russia views its relations with ASEAN as an important element of its foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific region. Our partnership, which next year marks 15 years of age, said Dmitry Medvedev, reinforces the successfully developing bilateral cooperation with countries outside the union of South-East Asia.
Russia and ASEAN can do much together
Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Many experts believe that the 21st century will be the Asia Age. Only time will tell if it is right. But this part of the world is undoubtedly important and promising, and plays a special role in our planet's future. It is perhaps here, in the Asia-Pacific, where the outline of a new world order is taking shape today, and a new image of the global management system is emerging.
Keywords: Asean, Asia Pacific, Asia–Europe Meeting, ASEAN+3, ASEAN Regional Forum, Bali Concord
Modernization of Russia, Geopolitics of East Asia and ASEAN factor
Victor Sumsky
The Russia ASEAN summit, the second of its kind, caused mixed feelings both in Moscow and in the capitals of the Ten. Indubitably, our relations are not stagnating. Yet it is equally obvious that both the Russian Federation and the countries of the Association currently profit more by working with other partners..
Keywords: Russia, modernization, new regional architecture of East Asia, ASEAN, China, US
Meet at the ASEM! Theory and practice of trans-regional relations: Memo to Russia
Ekaterina Koldunova
Russia - the largest country on the crossroads of Europe and Asia, which has vital interests here and there - a long time were not allowed in ASEM, regardless of its desire to join him and provoking questions about the completeness of the Euro-Asian cooperation without its participation.
Keywords: Regional and transregional relations, macroregionalization, EU, ASEAN, Asia–Europe Meeting, Russia”s joining the Asia–Europe Meeting
Yevgeny Kanaev
Such mega-projects as the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum and the Asia-Europe Meeting would be altogether impossible without ASEAN. At these conferences, as well as at the ASEAN Regional Forum, in the ASEAN+3 format, and at the East Asia Summit, the Association holds a very special place. In the parlance of negotiators and analysts it is referred to as the driver's seat. The phrase suggests that the Association is responsible both for the "route" and the atraffic rules" of the dialogue. As for the partners, they take it as a given, even if many of them enjoy a rather greater economic might andpolitical influence than does the Association.
Keywords: Multilateral talks, ASEAN, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, ASEAN Regional Forum, Asia–Europe Meeting, ASEAN+3, East Asia Summit, Russian Federation
Russia in Indochina: Back to the Future?
Vladimir Mazyrin
In Russia's eyes, repairing and advancing relationships with the group of "new" Association members (now known as ASEAN-4) looks neither secondary nor showing little promise. In fact, it is the other way around. There is growing realization, at least by experts, that they are a beachhead to reinforce our stance in the ASEAN and East Asia as a whole.
Keywords: Indo-China, ASEAN-4, Russia, economic interactions, cooperation broadening
EconomicsOrigins and evolution of the Chiang Mai Initiative
Vyacheslav Amirov
At the turn of the centuries waves of trouble tend to rise, in the first place, in financial sphere. Hence, it is natural to see attempts to mend it in a new way at both global and regional levels. In East Asia, the Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI) is a striking example of regional financial cooperation.
Keywords: Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI), ASEAN+3, Chiang Mai multilateral Initiative
ASEAN towards the Economic Community
Alexander Rogozhin
ASEAN's leaders and the ruling elites of its member countries were confronted with the towering problem of keeping up competitiveness in the broadest sense of the word - on the scale of individual nations, their region, and East Asia as a whole. No doubt, realization of this challenge gave the strongest push so far to efforts to develop an Economic Community conception for ASEAN (ASEAN EC).
Keywords: ASEAN, South East Asia countries, economic community, plan for ASEAN common economic space, Russia”s interests and potential
Indonesian oil and Russian technology
Victor Tarusin
The Indonesian government continually works to improve the investment climate for oil and gas companies. New incentive mechanisms are introduced at regular intervals, such as import duty exemption for the oil and gas equipment imported tofield deposits.
Keywords: Indonesia”s oil, Russian technology of oil output enchancement, Sintezmotorneftegaz, Petros, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Higher and higher. Projects in Russia and countries of Southeast Asia in the aerospace field
Vyacheslav Urlyapov
Breakthroughs in cooperation between Russia and Southeast Asian countries are not commonplace yet. And we are glad when they do occur. The latest of them, in July 2010, came in civil aviation when the Russian entries of the International Airshow in Farnborough, England, signed a series of high-priced contracts and reached encouraging agreements with their counterparts from ASEAN countries.
Keywords: Farnborough-2010, Sukhoi civilian aircrafts, Irkut, Langkawi, Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor
Is a Russia-ASEAN Free Trade Area of Any Use?
Yaroslav Lisovolik
With ASEAN, there is some movement, but it's much too slow. Apparently, new steps, not taken so far, are needed to bring these relations to a new level. For example, steps leading to the establishment of a Russia-ASEAN free trade area (ETA) in the foreseeable future.
Keywords: Russia-ASEAN free trade zone, complimentrary trade potentials, trade ceilings, reorientation of Russia”s transit routes
RetrospectiveThe Long Life of the Bali Treaty
Nikolai Maletin
Actually, concern about political stability and security in the region permeated another document that gave the summit a place in history - that is the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, also known as the Bali Treaty.
Keywords: Bali Concord, ASEAN extension, East Indo-China countries, ASEAN community, ASEAN Charter
Expansion of ASEAN: motives, meaning, implications
Vyacheslav Urlyapov
Political developments in the region evoked the thought that the recent conflicts and the emotions they stirred are never forgotten. Past outbursts of hostility (for example, between Indonesia and Malaysia during their notorious confrontation) tended to recur in fresh disputes, particularly when heated passions played into the hand of elites in the countries involved.
Keywords: Bigger ASEAN, ASEAN Charter, Indo-China quartet, ASEAN common economic space, ASEAN free trade, ASEAN Regional Forum, Russia
Common way to settle in Cambodia
Nadezhda Bektimirova
A conflict that flared up around Cambodia was a product of the confrontation between the USSR and the USA. and between the USSR, and the PRC, a typical Cold War era phenomenon.
Keywords: Cambodia, South East Asia, UN, Khmer Rouge, Eduard Shevardnadze, Norodom Sihanouk, ASEAN, Russia”s foreign intelligence service, Laos, United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia
To Russian Artist Konstsntin Makovsky in Bogor
Vladimir Anisimov
Early in 2003 I had the privilege to prepare and open an exhibition of pictures of the "Russian Collection" at the National Gallery of Jakarta. It was timed to a visit to Russia by the President of Indonesia Megawati Sukarnoputri.
Keywords: Creative expeditions bureau, K.E. MAkovsky, «Tossing hops», «Springtime Bacchanalia», Bogorodsk palace, Sukarno colection, Megawati Sukarnoputri, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Victor Sumsky
On June 3,2009 President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of the Philippines, on a visit to Moscow, awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit to Igor V. Podberezsky, a citizen of Russia, DSc. (Philology), and a leading research fellow at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Vilen Sikorsky
There are people who are simply unable to sit idle. They are always doing something, either beginning or finishing. Sometimes it's done for increasing the family budget, but more often than not because it's simply interesting. Victor Pogadaev is precisely such a person: lexicographer and translator, diplomat and journalist, scholar and teacher, he is a professor of University of Malaya at present.
Keywords: V.A. Pogadaev, ethnographist, Malay language, Nusantara, Malay University, translations
BookshelfAt the Start of the Asia Age
Vladimir Kolotov
The specifics of, and prospects for, ASEAN as a regional organization and the Association's relations with the Great Powers, including the USSR/Russia, are subjects well studied in our country. Such prominent researchers as Gennady Chufrin, Nikolai Maletin and Alexander Rogozhin have been following ASEAN's evolution from its very beginning.
Keywords: ASEAN, ASEAN+3, East Asian community, ASEAN method
Grigory Lokshin
The publication of a work about "Greater East Asia" and numerous transformations which this macroregion is going through is a notable event in Russian political science. The professors and teachers of the Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations, who have been working on this collective publication, have defined its format as a "scholarly educational complex".
Keywords: Grand East Asia, globalization and regionalization, energy security, Shanghai Cooperaton Organization, Grand East Asia”s conflict potential
ChronicleOn the discovery of the ASEAN Centre in Moscow
Opening of the Ho Chi Minh Institute in St. Petersburg
JOINT DECLARATION of the Heads of State/Government of the Member Countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the head of State of the Russian Federation
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