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Annotation of magazine number 3, March, 2021

12:23 21.03.2021 •

Oleg Syromolotov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia

The Situational Crisis Center Department solves little-known, but, as a rule, non-standard and time-consuming tasks on a daily basis

Prevention and liquidation of crisis and emergency situations, working on an ongoing basis with foreign specialists as equal partners, is engaged in DSCC. This department performs functions that are not typical at first glance of the traditional diplomatic service.

Keywords: crisis situation, DSCC, Contact center, Export Coordination Headquarters, gratuitous transportation

Olga Melnikova

Is the business community able to contribute to the intensification of the negotiation process on international information security issues?

Traditional methods of promoting business in the field of information security, undertaken by the state, are not sufficiently effective. National information law does not guarantee full protection, since often the source of harmful effects is located on the territory of another state.

Keywords: information security of the private sector, international negotiation process, business structures, ICT sphere, cyber threat, protection of information resources of the business community, collective attribution

Olga Lebedeva

Роль социальных сетей в дипломатической практике России

The role of social networks in the diplomatic practice of Russia

The spread of digital diplomacy occurred along with the growing importance of electronic media resources. Diplomatic goals are achieved with the help of popular means of communication of a developed society. Thus, the focus shifts to the mass audience, because information becomes a publicly available phenomenon.

Keywords: digital diplomacy, communication platforms, social networks, information security

Arevik Martirosyan

The realities of digital sovereignty in the modern world

The international community has not come to an agreement on whether cyberspace belongs to the public domain, whether it belongs to the territory of "physical" states or is based on national origin, which actualizes the issue of digital sovereignty.

Keywords: ICT, cybersecurity, digital sovereignty

Vladimir Zakharov

Taiwan is the apple of strategic discord between China and the United States

The world is used to perceiving the Taiwan problem exclusively within the framework of Sino-American relations and according to the universally recognized formula "Taiwan is an integral part of the PRC." However, this inertia is deceptive, especially today.

Keywords: Taiwan, China, USA, Asia-Pacific region, territorial disputes

Andrey Kortunov

What will "Globalization 2.0" be like?

The new round of globalization will be fundamentally different. It is not necessarily the United States that should become the source and main driver of "Globalization 2.0". The model of horizontal globalization based on multilateralism, examples of which are already emerging, is more likely.

Keywords: deglobalization, "Globalization 2.0", asynchrony, "West-East" axis, "North-South" axis

Konstantin Strigunov, Andrey Manoilo

Maduro's Checkmate Strategy as the origin of Operation Gideon

On May 3, 2020, the Venezuelan military, special services and civilians prevented a coup attempt carried out by former Venezuelan military deserters and American mercenaries from the private military company Silvercorp. Two American terrorist mercenaries were captured, along with at least 47 Venezuelan renegades.

Keywords: Venezuela, Operation Gideon, Checkmate Maduro strategy, Azpurua, Maduro, Guaido, USA, special services, coups d'etat, Silvercorp

Rosneft presented the concept of environmental development

Keywords: Rosneft, ecology

XI International Yalta Conference of the International Life Magazine

"Features of modern integration processes in the post-Soviet space"

Keywords: relations of neighboring countries - former Soviet republics, COVID-19, problems of adaptation to the pandemic, "color revolutions" in the post-Soviet space, common Victory in the Second World War

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