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Annotation of magazine number 4, Aprele 2015

10:14 18.05.2015 •


G.Gatilov, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Russia U.N.O. as a mirror of turbulent world

The activity of the U.N.O. is efficient at the same extent as the interaction of the states-members. The behavior of the states reflects on the activity of the Organization of United Nations. Russia sees to it that the Organization would remain the site for coordination of the actions of the states and stands   for coordination of positive agenda. Russia makes every endeavor in order that the concerns of other states also would be taken into account in process of the activity of this organization. 


E.Nalbandyan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Russia of the Republic of Armenia Russia is our main commercial partner, the main investor into the economy of Armenia.

As for the priorities of Armenia, they are securing of favorable external conditions for the security and the economic development of the country, increase of the number of friendly nations, consolidation of the authority and the positions of Armenia at the international stage, increase of its involvement into international processes, promotion of  initiatives for a positive agenda for the country at international sites. 


А.Маслов. Russia – Greece: the base of the relations has stood the test of time.

The new government of Greece not only has preserved the succession of the relations, but demonstrated the desire for its development at higher rate. The basic vector of Russian-Greek cooperation will be the preparation of the complex events related to the Year of Russia in Greece and the Year of Greece in Russia in 2016. Russia has the intention for an active cooperation with Greece as an earnest and benevolent partner prone to a dialogue. 


V.Sibiliov. Russia – Botswana: 45 years of partnership

Onthe 6-thofMarchof 2015 completed 45 yearssincetheexchangeofdiplomaticnotesbetweentheAmbassadorofTheSovietUnioninLondon, M. Smirnitsky, andthe  HighCommissioner (ambassador) ofBotswanainLondon, G. Chiepe. It is this date that marks the beginning of the establishment and the development of the relations between the two countries.


Y.Shafranik.The loss of contact with the realities of life by the European Commission is seen in many direction, especially in the sphere of energetics


ThepassionoftheBrusselsadministrationforthegreenenergeticshas   resultedtothepriceofgasfortheEuropeanconsumermorethantwiceasmuchasitspriceintheUSandRussia.


А.Оrlov: Morality in the international policy

There nave been accumulated evidently quite a  lot of questions requiring fast and clear answers. The West having provoked the confrontation with Russia tries to solve all the problems that have been arisen by means of the increase of pressure upon us. However the hope to break Russia is futile. ActionsliketheseresultdirectlyintheoppositeIf after the Eastern War of 1853-1865 Russia, as it had been expressed by the Chancellor Gorchakov, began to concentrate, now it is consolidating before our eyes. 


Е.Аnanievа. The alignment of the political forces in the Great Britain on the threshold of the elections of 2015

Some unusual parliament elections will be held on the 7-th of May in the United Kingdom. The ones of the 2010 were irregular too: the country having   elected the “pending parliament” really opted for the “system of two and a half” incarnated in the coalition government – the first during the period after the World War Two. However this time the spectrum of the political forces has become even more complex: there’s no any politician who could forecast the result of the ekections.


D. Litskai. Shanghai Organization of Cooperation on the threshold of add-ins

Russia having proclaimed the initiating of the process of adds-in one of the main priorities of its presidency of the SOC is going to take on a serious work convincing the partners that the     dividends from the admission of the most important regional layers would exceed by far the organizational and technical costs related with the reconfiguration of the work of the Organization under the new circumstances. 


Zafari Sherali Sayidzoda. Tajikistan-Russia: geopolitical relations at the turn of the century

Under the circumstance of the formation of the sate sovereignty the leadership of the Republic of Tajikistan had to make difficult decisions which contributed to the admission of our country into the world community as a subject of the international law and relations. Itwasanationalgoalofanenormoushistoricalimportance.


Ю.Рубцов. Vyacheslav Molotov and the soviet diplomacy during the Second World War

The war that begun on the 22-th of June of 1941 highlighted a special role played by  Vyacheslav Molotov as the chief of Soviet diplomacy and on of the chief leaders of the state. особуюрольМолотовавуправленииисоветскойдипломатией, истранойвцелом. Due to his official capacity he was the first among the Soviet leadership who learned from the German ambassador, F. Shulenburg, the tragic news of the ware declared on the Soviet Union. It was him who at midday of the 22-th of June of 1941 went on radio to tell the Soviet people about the disaster that had come upon.


John Lockland. Ideology and geopolitics during the period of two cold wars

The ideology of “open doors” suggests renouncement even of the possibility of political pluralism on the international stage, - the US could feel safe, only if all the other countries are the US. The ideas of spheres of influence or safe zones turn pointless or even   unacceptable in the light of tempting fancy that all the states sometime would be ideologically identical.

hallmarks of the history

Ю.Булатов. “Where the Russian flag was risen, it shouldn’t be lowered” Who sold the Russian America and what for

On the 30-th of March of 1867 the Russian Empire signed the Treaty  of 1867 selling the Alaska to the USA. The debates of the real motives prompting the Czar's government to  make this step still go on in the Russian society. By all the appearances this ancient story shouldn’t cause so animated discussions today. What is the reason of a special bitterness of debates of the kind in the post-Soviet Russia on this stage of its modern history?

the world around us

А.Varfolomееv. The contemporary  sea piracy and the international law in force

There are some trends existing during the last years which could be deemed  the resuscitation of the sea piracy. Due to hundreds of incidents with vessels from tens of states in the gulfs of Aden and Guinea and also in some other regions of the open sea the piracy again turned on of the main threats to the international security.


А.Аbdullin. Legal order of the Arctic regionin the context of the military and political dimensions of the Arctic strategies of Russia and Canada

The relations between Russia and Canada in the North and in the Arctic could be rightfully deemed the most prospective sphere of bilateral cooperation. Its determining factor to a large extent is the international significance of the Arctic: its impressive resource base (first of all, its hydrocarbon component), military-strategic and infrastructural and logistic factors.


Е.Piadyshevа. Foreign mission of the radio “Orpheus”

More than 4 million of persons throughout the world have the possibility to listen to the music of the Russian composers performed by the best vocals of our country only due to the broadcasting station “Orpheus”.


The Chief Directorate for the Diplomatic Corps of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Russia

Professional attitude towards the solution of transport problems by the Chief Directorate for the Diplomatic Corps of  the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Russia

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