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Abstract to the journal No. 12, December, 2022

13:02 27.12.2022 •


Armen Oganesyan. There is a war for values and ideas


Sergey Lavrov ,Foreign Minister. Greetings to the organizers and participants of the XIII International Yalta Conference "Features of Modern Integration Processes in the Post-Soviet Space"


SergeyAksenov, Head Republic Crimea. Greetings to the organizers and participants of the XIII International Yalta Conference "Features of Modern Integration Processes in the Post-Soviet Space"


George Muradov. The Ukrainian crisis and the new World Order

The deep processes that are taking place now are a natural result of the first stage of the destruction of historical Russia, which was called the USSR, and the restoration of the forces of historical Russia in its former format is extremely unprofitable for our main opponents.

Keywords: Ukrainian crisis, new World Order


Vsevolod Grebenshchikov. Trends and prospects in the development of the system of international relations

Given the fundamental contradictions between Russia and the West and the prospect of their preservation in the time horizon, at least from four to six years, there is a high probability of a cascade-like "ignition" of conflicts in different geographical directions.

Keywords: Russia, West, international relations


Anton Arefyev. Ensuring regional security in the CIS: problems of a consolidated approach

Helping the CIS countries in various crisis situations, Russia has the right to count on mutual practical support in neutralizing the challenges it faces and not to be left alone with the CIS countries.

Keywords: CIS countries, CIS countries


Karin Bechet-Golovko. Geopolitics and the creation of a national historical discourse

Ukraine, as a new artificial state, must produce its own historical discourse, showing that it isnot Russia. Objectively, only a mythical, destructive discourse can be created, while an anti-Russian one is the opposite in value. Ukraine is being forced to abandon its past, its values, and everything that has created it for centuries.

Keywords: national historical discourse, Russia, Ukraine


Yuri Sayamov. The "Ukrainian Card" in Washington's big Game

Washington began to actively play the "Ukrainian card" against Russia when it realized that Russia was leaving the state of following in the wake of the United States and returning to the role of an independent great power, demonstrating to the whole world its rejection of American hegemony and refusal to play by its rules.

Keywords: "Ukrainian card", Russia, American hegemony


Eliseo Bertolasi. Consequences of the Ukrainian crisis for Italian politics

In Italy, sanctions against Russia have become sanctions against Italy. To seriously weaken the state, it is necessary first of all to destroy its productive capacities and its economy. Energy is like blood for a country's industry and production. Without it, death soon follows. Because of the sanctions imposed on Russia, the Italian economy is stalling, companies are closing down because they are not able to pay huge gas and electricity bills.

Keywords: the Italian economy, sanctions against Russia


Leonid Golovko. Denazification of Ukraine: the need to form a legal mechanism

It should be recognized that today there is no appropriate and relevant mechanism that could be used to carry out the necessary denazification in Ukraine or its former territories in Russian criminal law. It cannot be, given the dynamics of the historical situation.

Keywords: Denazification of Ukraine, Russian criminal law


Andrey Sidorov. Background to the Ukrainian crisis: actual lessons of Soviet history

One of the features of the current Ukrainian crisis is the significance of its historical dimension. Its origins are in the history and mythology of Soviet Ukrainism, in the specific structure of the Soviet state. The Ukrainian SSR was not only the cradle of modern Ukraine, it became the alpha and omega of Soviet state-building, and played a special, in many ways unique role in the fate of the Soviet Union.

Keywords: Ukrainian crisis, Soviet history


Alexander Irkhin, Olga Moskalenko. Between the West and the East: Ukrainian Political Thought of the early twentieth century as the basis of the modern geopolitical worldview of the Ukrainian elite

The development of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict leads to an increasingly large-scale regional destabilization of Eastern Europe. Over the past 30 years, the West, using the logic of the "British balance", has set the outskirts of historical Russia against the center and was able to form a military-political springboard and ram from the former Soviet republic and the fraternal people against another post-Soviet republic - the Russian Federation.

Keywords: Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the "British balance


Alexander Ananyev. Managed neo-Nazism is a tool of Ukrainian statehood

The deliberate narrowing of the concept of "Nazism" is aimed at masking its new manifestations at the present stage. For eight years now, the repression of Ukrainian neo-Nazism has been aimed at Russian-speaking residents of their own country who are oriented towards Russia, just as Armenians were subjected to genocide in the Ottoman Empire.

Keywords: Ukrainian neo-Nazism, Ottoman Empire


Andrey Manoilo. Information warfare in the context of a special military operation in Ukraine

When the SVO began, the Russian side was confronted not with "colonial troops" trained by American instructors in "European tactics" of information warfare, but with the intelligence services of the United States, Great Britain and others operating "under a false flag" and doing their work by the hands of Ukrainian nationalists.

Keywords: Information warfare, a special military operation in Ukraine


Andrey Budaev. 165th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Uruguay: history and present

December 10, 2022 marks the 165th anniversary of the establishment of Russian-Uruguayan relations. In their long history, there have been ups and downs, pauses and breakthroughs. Strict adherence to the principles of equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs has been and remains a solid foundation of bilateral cooperation.

Keywords: Russia, Uruguay, relations, equality, respect, cooperation, pragmatism, culture, compatriots.


Natalia Travkina. Unpredictable America US Midterm Elections

The 2020 presidential election, which by definition was a year of broadcast plans and promises to American voters, was supported by 81.3 million people, or 51.3% of citizens who took part in the election. The midterm elections of 2022 were supposed to be an express check of the president's work on their implementation.

Keywords: confrontation between Russia and the United States, Biden, Gallup service, Republican Party, Democratic Party, political polarization, early voting.


Olga Melnikova. China's experience in protecting national cyber sovereignty

In the program documents of the Chinese Communist Party, digitalization of the economy is recognized as the main driver of reforms, a condition for increasing global competitiveness, ensuring technological independence and state defense capability.

Keywords: digital sovereignty, China, digital space globalization, international law and digital space, "digital inequality", China's digital economy, state regulation of the Internet in China.


Yuri Goryachev, Vladimir Zakharov, Elena Omelchenko. International aspects of ethno-cultural education in the context of increasing migration processes

The number of people arriving in different countries of the world exceeded the population growth rate: the share of international migrants in the total world population increased from 2.8% in 2000 to 3.2% in 2010 and to 3.6% in 2020.

Keywords: international education, migration processes, ethno-cultural education, adaptation and integration of migrants, culture of peace, UNESCO.

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