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Annotation of magazine number 7, July, 2020

10:33 27.07.2020 •


Konstantin Kosachev

We would not need to amend the current Constitution if the ECHR scrupulously adhered not only to the spirit, but also to the letter of the Convention on Human Rights

There is such an interpretation that, since Russia has recognized the supremacy of international law over our national legislation in the current Constitution, this means that our partners or opponents can impose their will from the outside, referring to international law. It's not, and it never has been.

Keywords: Constitution of the Russian Federation, amendments to the Constitution, national legislation, international law.


Andrey Krutskikh

Two hyperpandemias for one humanity is too much!

During the fight against the pandemic, digital tools have become a lifeline for millions of people. The Internet, which allows communication between people, is becoming more and more open, but at the same time carries huge risks. Enterprises, business structures and government agencies are switching to remote operation, thereby opening access to their internal data. And the deeper humanity "dives" into the cybersphere, the more noticeable is the growth of virtual crime.

Keywords: COVID-19, cybersecurity, ICT, IIB, hacker attacks.

Anton Varfolomeev

International organizations and the fight against new pandemics

The global spread of the new coronavirus infection has irreversibly transformed world politics. The main international organizations cannot ignore these tectonic changes. The question is how to respond to them. Under what flag and with what slogans to wage war against the invisible enemy?

Keywords: coronavirus, WHO, UN Security Council, pandemic, security.


Yuri Shafranik

But the main thing is to restore the balance of supply and demand for oil

The coronavirus epidemic, if not turned the world upside down, then aggravated the accumulated crisis mass in various spheres of people's lives. Of course, such an important industry as global energy has not been left out. It's not even that the dramatic drop in oil prices occurred at the peak of the epidemic. In general, in an extremely short historical period, the world has come to a line beyond which many questions and challenges of a global nature will have to be answered.

Keywords: coronavirus, shale, green energy, Ukraine, Germany, Nord Stream-2, oil storage


Nikolai Mezhevich

Our common history: key approaches to assessing the events of 1940 in the Baltic States

On July 21, 1940, meetings of the Seimas of Lithuania, Latvia and the State Duma of Estonia were held simultaneously in a new composition. In July 1940, declarations were adopted in three countries, according to which the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian Soviet Socialist Republics were proclaimed, which appealed to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR with a request for their admission to the Soviet Union.

Keywords: Baltic countries, events of the 1940s.

Sergey Tambi

On the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Estonia

The establishment of diplomatic relations between Soviet Russia and Estonia, as well as the history of the first years of bilateral cooperation, is an important milestone marking the beginning of our interstate dialogue. Then, in the first quarter of the XX century, both states took their first steps on the world stage and often together sought solutions to many pressing problems.

Keywords: Russia, RSFSR, USSR, Estonia, diplomacy, I.Gukovsky, M.Litvinov, L.Stark.


Mikhail Bryukhanov

Our work is based on the principles of public diplomacy, an extensive network of public communications and is of a strategic nature

Rossotrudnichestvo is a unique structure with representative offices located in more than 90 countries around the world. Its activity is not aimed at obtaining short-term benefits, but rather has a medium- and long-term course. And the unprecedented scope of international communications allows us to implement the most daring international projects.

Keywords: Rossotrudnichestvo, "soft power", interstate relations.

Olesya Orlenko

On some features of memorial laws in France and their perception in the scientific and socio-political space: an example of the "Gesseau law"

Laws related in one way or another to certain historical events or concepts are found in many modern states. The existence of such legislation is a phenomenon of legal practice in the XX-XXI centuries. A comparative analysis of historical politics in the countries of Western and Eastern Europe is relevant in order to highlight the common features of this process and its legal reflection.

Keywords: "Gesso's law", memorial laws, historical memory and science.


Kirill Barsky

USSR Envoy to China D.V.Bogomolov: diplomatic feat and personal tragedy

After the restoration of diplomatic relations between the USSR and China in December 1932, the question arose about who would represent the USSR in Nanjing. The topic of appointing a new ambassador was discussed animatedly among the Russian emigration in China. There were persistent rumors that L.M. Karakhan might return as the Soviet envoy. But Moscow made a different decision - D.V. Bogomolov was appointed as the plenipotentiary.

Keywords: D.V.Bogomolov, USSR Plenipotentiary Mission in Nanjing, Soviet-Chinese non-aggression treaty, Chiang Kai-shek, Kuomintang.


Stanislav Chernyavsky

About the work of the NKID of the USSR in Kuibyshev

On October 15, 1941, members of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet and the Government, a significant part of the staff of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Moscow diplomatic corps moved to Kuibyshev. During the war, problems requiring diplomatic participation were solved on the banks of the Volga.

Keywords: V.M.Molotov, evacuation of the diplomatic corps, the city of Kuibyshev, British Ambassador Richard Stafford Cripps, US Ambassador Lawrence Steinhardt, Norwegian Ambassador Rolf Andvord.

Alexey Podtserob

The Crimean Conference, as my father remembers it

Soviet diplomat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary B.F.Podtserob was a senior assistant to the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR during the war. In this capacity, he participated in the Yalta Conference. And although he did not leave written memoirs, he told his son about how the fateful meeting of three world giants took place for the world.

Keywords: Crimean Conference, Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill


Alexander Shchipkov

Tradition and fundamentalism of the late Modern

The growth of fundamentalism is becoming more and more noticeable today. One of the reasons for this process was what is commonly called the "crisis of the dominant ideology." The situation of the ideological crisis is recognized by many: D. Trump, for example, is confident in the "end of globalization", in Russia they are discussing the end of the era of a monocentric (unipolar) world. Liberalism goes down in history.

Keywords: growth of fundamentalism, secularism, sacred event.


The Era of Global Communications: human and Digital

This year marks the 90th anniversary of the famous Inyaz - the leading language university of the country, the Moscow State Linguistic University (MGLU), and in the past - the Maurice Thorez Moscow State Linguistic University. The history of MGLU is the successful careers of linguists, famous translators, legendary teachers, politicians, talented journalists.

Keywords: MGLU, 90 years of Inyaz, digital era.


Dmitry Klimov

Crime against childhood: Tragic pages of the Armenian Genocide

A book by publicist J.S.Akopov and President of the European Academy of Security and Conflictology I.I. Bondarenko was published in Bratislava. It tells about one of the most terrible pages of the Armenian people - about the destruction of their future, the wholesale extermination of children in the Ottoman Empire during the genocide.

Keywords: genocide of the Armenian people, Armenian children.

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