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Annotation of magazine number 9, September 2017

00:32 03.10.2017 •


Кossachiov К., Inter-Parliamentary Union and Russia: history throughout centuries

The 137-th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the oldest international political organization in the world, opens with a formal ceremony in St. Petersburg on the 14-th of October 2017.  It’s for the first time in twentyyears when Russia has initiated a draft of the IPU resolution with the title “Role of parliament in observation of the principle of non-interference in domestic affairs of states”, secured its examination and with a support from a vast majority of national delegations ensured adoption of the document by vote of consensus.

Petrov М.,The 25-th anniversary of signing of  the Treaty of  Friendly Relations and Cooperation between Russia and Bulgaria           

On the 4-th of August 1992 President of Russia, Boris Eltsin, and President of Bulgaria, Zhelyu Zhelev, signed the Treaty of Friendly Relations and Cooperation. There were striking changes in the text of the Treaty compared with an analogous agreement between the USSR and the People’s Republic of Bulgaria of 1967.Its ideological component had been deprived of such notions as “eternal unbreakable friendship” and “fraternal assistance”.

Lebedeva О.,Relations between Russia and Germany on the threshold of  2018         

Today Germany is an indisputable leader of the European Union, and it’s not by chance that the basic financial and technological communications between the Russian and European states nave been concentrated exactly on this direction. It wouldn’t be erratic an examination of the relations between Russia and Germany as traditional social and cultural transit between Russian society and European family of nations


Streltsov D., Russian approach to territorial disputes in East Asia   

The attitude and policy of Russia toward territorial and border disputes in East Asia arouse a great interest. Most of these conflicts are deeply rooted and ascend to a historical heritage of the Cold War, first of all, - to an incomplete legal statefulness of the system of state borders resulting from Peace Treaty of San Francisco.   

Smitnov А., Eastern politics of Hungary in the light of Ukrainian crisis         

The ongoing crisis in the Ukraine has turned to be a serious challenge both for Russia and European Union with an especially hard strike on the states that have recently “formalized” their membership in united Europe. The reason is both a territorial proximity to the hotbed of tension and a special historical approach toward Ukrainian affairs. In the first place it is true when it concerns the direct neighbors of the Ukraine in the West that is, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Rumania.


Gadjiev К., Superpowership: departing phenomenon of the XXI century

Today it would be natural to expect a gradual review of traditionally accepted world order categories. Itthe question of status and prospects of superpowers, of the phenomenon ofsuperpowershipitself that turns especially urgent. It’s common knowledge that initially against the background of the triumph of the West and of the USA in the first place it started to dominate a belief in the arrival of so-called unipolar world order with Uncle Sam sitting at the top as if staying in proud solitude. 

Enuibaryan R., Many faces of democracy: it’s time tore-evaluate values    

Born by European civilization and confirmed by Christian one, form an individual’s participation in state political organization in process of development of the humanity had been transforming itself, lost some traces and acquired some other one. Democracy as a political form revealing the will of the majority of voters can’t be deemed blameless.  It was implemented in the past as in comparatively small Greek republics and French towns in 18-th century, being those monocultural and mononational societies, by now it has been created a reality, totally new in its essence.    

Sayamov  Y., Values and meaning of international relations

Speaking about the values and meaning of international relations one should determine the content of this notion. The notion of values is fundamental for the world community and international relations. The values determine both individual and Collective behavior of persons, form the base of customs, traditions and culture of peoples, create the source of juridical laws.    

Budanova Е., Legal regulation of the Russian Federation subjects’ international activity  

A heavy growth of the activity of Russian regions at external directions, their concern with international problems and direct involvement into external world due to globalization processes are legitimate. External economic activity has already turned an important and in many cases, a dominating factor of social development for a number of regions.  


Bulatov Y., The USSR and Great Britain at the  “Afghani bridgehead”: new input data after Pearl Harbor  

The events in the East in the end of 1941 concerned the leaders of the URSS as well. Due to an aggravation of operational  situation in the immediate proximity of the southern Soviet borders in December of 1941 the Soviet intelligence made a decision to work out a plan of active measures with the purpose to resist the activity  of secret services of Germany, Italy and Japan in Afghanistan in order to block subversion performed by the Axis countries in the region, prevent a possibility of Afghanistan changing its neutral status during the war and also to frustrate secret operations carried out by Germany and Japan aiming destabilization of the domestic political scene in India..

Zaitsev А., Ambassadorial Monasteryon the path to revival          

The history of Ambassadorial Monastery Spasso-Preobrajensky associates with the name of the Czar’s ambassador, Erophey Zabolotsky, sent to Mongol Khan Zezen with the purpose to take his land under Russian rule. He is considered the first official ambassador of the Russian state in Transbaikalia. According some sources it is the only cloister in our country built in memory of Russian diplomats.


Tolstukhina А., Diplomatic Olympic Games   

in memoriam

In memory of Victor Alexandrovich Kremenyuk

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