DolgovК.Formal diplomacy and peace-making efforts of religious organizations
Today one might speak about a global crisis of religious liberties in the world. It’s confirmed by sad statistics of Christian phobia which, according to the estimates from exists in 139 countries. 121 countriesareIslamphobic. The level of anti-Semitism in the world also remains high.
Key words: human rights, religious liberties, terrorism, ISIS, the Middle East.
Orlov А. Barack Obama: preliminary balance of presidency
The years of the rule by Barack Obama have flown by fast and now it’s time for summing up. It isn’t certainly final, because the actual USA President still has several months to finish the things he sometime started and to correct the mistakes he made.
Key words: “lame duck”, 44-th US President, the national debt of the USA, permanent external confrontation of the USA.
Ossipov Е. Leaving “Gaullism” behind: foreign policy of contemporary France
Early resignation of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of France, Laurent Fabius, in February, 2016, has animated the debates upon the results of the French foreign policy during the last years and ongoing decrease of the role of France in the world politics. In the end of 1950-th, when the General Charles de Gaulle suggested the “Gaullist” foreign policy doctrine, it looked like any alternative just couldn’t exist.
Key words: foreign policy of France, “Gaullism”, the Atlantic choice, Fransois Hollande, Russian and French relations.
Lenchuk Р. Goals and objectives of the contemporary strategy of the foreign policy of India
Disintegration of the bipolar system of the international relations has coincided with the beginning of successful economic reforms in India launched in 1991, which caused a serious debate concerning the place and role of this country in the world. With a successful development of the country, in the international scientific community it started strengthening the point of view that New Delhi would turn into an important factor of the world politics.
Key words: Russia and India, bilateral relations, foreign policy, the PRC, the USA.
SudarevV. Washington looking for a new approach to Latin America
The policy of Barack Obama’s administration in the Latin American area differs from the one of his predecessors by a large number of positions. The difference like this appeared as back as at the time of his election campaign. One should admit that he had an extremely practical legacy from George Bush Junior, who during his two presidencies couldn’t implement his main goal – creation of common American free trade zone.
Key words: Barack Obama, regional strategy, Mexican drug cartels, “mild strength” policy, normalization of the relations with Cuba, “two rings” strategy, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), MERCOSUR.
Vassiliev V. Migration as a benefit and burden for Germany
The problem of refugees and migrants flooding Europe has acquired a political, humanitarian, demographic and social-economic significance. Wishing to know, why the immigrants has chosen Germany as the “Promised Land” one should appeal to history which can be divided into several periods.
Key words: migrants, refugees, Germany, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, the European Union.
MarseloBezerra. What is the limit the NATO is going to advance to?
The main problem of the Ukrainian crisis in its international dimension greatly spoken about since the disintegration of the USSR is related to the domain of defense and security or, more exactly, to the plan of expansion of the NATO to the East of Europe with the purpose to change the balance of forces with Russia
Key words: NATO doctrine, Europe, South America, the Southern Atlantic, regional security.
Belobrov Y. Washington “draws a bead” on the whole planet
On the lee of a loud propaganda campaign for “nuclear zero” the Pentagon implements the project of formation of a new strategic weapons “triad” including, alongside with nuclear weaponry and anti-missile defense, some high-precision conventional offensive arms destined for surprise destructive blows against targets at any point of the globe.
Key words: fast global blow (FGB), intercontinental ballistic missile (IBM), strategic stability, national and global security, conventional weapons, high-precision arms (HPA).
С.Иванов. “The Islamic State” against the Islam
The Islamic world which recently has entered the year of 1437 (of the Mohammedan Era) of its history is living through a fundamental crisis, possibly one of the most acute and crucial since the beginnings of Islam in early Middle Age. To a great extent this crisis depends on the state of affairs within the Islam itself, on sharpening of the differences between its various trends and schools.
Key words: the Islam, the “Islamic State”, jihadism, the struggle with terror, the international cooperation.
Dr. Ahmad Melli. American and Saudi relations: “storms in desert”
The external policy of Saudi Arabia is often characterized as based on a “cautious silence”. It’snaturallyinclinedtoambiguityandnon-transparency. The Saudi diplomacy usually prefers to resort to secrecy and to avoid any confrontation. It’s mostly close to evasiveness and tortuosity, distant from direct techniques.
Key words:Saudi Arabia, American and Saudi relations, external policy, the Gulf countries.
Heifetz B. New economic mega-partnerships and the global economy
On the 4-th of February, 2016 in Oakland, New Zealand, the leaders of 12 countries from the Asian and Pacific region signed the first treaty on trans-regional mega-partnership - the Convention on Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). During the following two years it should come into effect, having been ratified by at least six countries making not less than 85% of the total GDP of the TPP.
Keywords: trans-regionalization, economic partnership, reformatting of the global economy, competitive regionalism, Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Olenchenko V., Nevskaya А. The Ukraine: the investment prospect factors
The process of westernization of the Ukraine initiated from outside which entered into an active phase in December of 2013 caused a large-scale crisis affecting all the spheres of life of the Ukrainian society. It has highlighted, for instance, a difficult situation in the national economy. Neither politician or experts and wingside spectators compromise to forecast horizons of the withdrawal of the Ukraine from the crisis although aggravated with the European and global economies still unable to achieve the trajectory of a stable growth. On a background like this, considering the geographical and historical closeness of Russia and the Ukraine, it would be appropriate to take up the question the Ukrainian investment prospects drawing the attention first of all to the key factors of its forming.
Ключевыеслова: the Ukraine, EU, Russia, GDP, investments, economy, trade.
Frolov А. Our closest ally: the experience of statehood and development
Key words:Byelorussia, statehood, the guerilla elite, Alexander Lukashenko.
Buzuluksky А. About the book by Alexander Zapesotsky “Culture: a look from Russia”
Key words: a dialogue of cultures, the contemporary culturology, the European culture, Euroasianism, Likhachev D., Gumilev L., Huntington S., culturocentristic model of education.
Konstantinova N. We and Latin America. Selected chronicles.
Key words: Russians, Latin Americans, Russia, Latin America.
Oreshina M. The IV All-Russian contest of young journalists covering international affairs: about the art of wielding a skilful pen.
Key words: The IV All-Russian contest of young journalists covering international affairs.
In memory of Tytarenko M.
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