Стр. 19 - V

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Russia. Besides, Germany's room for maneuver on serious international issues is very lim-
ited. It is more than prepared to listen to Washington regardless of all the spying scandals.
AFTER THE CRASH of a Malaysian Boeing 777 airliner, there was a noticeable change
in the attitudes of a significant part of German business. One can speak of the business
community coming under strong pressure from the German authorities and the mass
media, but it is a fact that the heads of leading employers' associations, including the Com-
mittee on Eastern European Economic Relations, have thought it necessary to publicly
declare their loyalty to the authorities and their support for tougher sanctions against Russia
despite their negative impact on the German economy. In the first quarter of 2014, Ger-
man exports to Russia already fell by 13%, and imports from Russia, by 9%. If things con-
tinue as they are, German exporters could lose an estimated EUR 4 billion to EUR 6 billion
during the year.