Стр. 7 - листалка

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Author : A. Gromyko
Deputy Director, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science (Political Sci-
I WILL FOCUS on the essence of "security through
cooperation" and the efforts that we need to make to
achieve it.
The stability of an alliance hinges on the ability of its
potential members to follow common purposes and
objectives. Do Russia and its Western partners follow
them? Needless to say, each party is vitally interested
in solving the problems of international terrorism,
nuclear proliferation, regional conflicts (especially in
the Middle East), international crime and drug trafficking, illegal immigration, piracy, religious
extremism, etc.
If we want the alliance to be effective and stable we need constant efforts for dialogue and con-
sultations. Our joint achievements here include, for example, the United Nations, the OSCE,
the NATO-Russia Council, the Council of Europe, Russia-EU committees, and ministerial meet-
ings and summits. Nevertheless, none of these institutions specializes in pan-European security.
To counter common threats, it is necessary to consolidate our ranks and act together well before
potential threats materialize. So it is critical to take preventive measures and cope with threats
before they flesh out and bring us trouble; hence the need for a continuous monitoring mecha-
nism and the solid fabric of political and expert interaction.
All international organizations that are involved with the military-political dimension of Euro-
pean security are useful to some degree or other and no one is proposing getting rid of any one
of them.
The principal threats to European security today often come from the outside. Nevertheless, the
west and east of Europe have yet to shed the legacy of the Cold War and we still live in its
Russia is equally interested in success along all the three lines: modernization of the OSCE, a
new quality of relations with NATO, and a new quality of relations with the EU in the security
sphere. As for NATO, one of the main tests for it will be the development of a European missile
defense system. So far the signs are not very reassuring. As for the EU, Russia is expecting Brus-
sels and the European capitals to come forward with an initiative on the establishment of a com-
mon external policy and security committee.
A European security treaty can still reinvigorate European security. From all indications, efforts
will be required to finalize it and it will take some time before it is recognized by the parties con-
cerned, but Europe needs it if we want to get rid of specters of the past.
Security Through Cooperation