Стр. 3 - листалка

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Author : Patriarch Kirill
His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia
Esteemed members of the Collegium of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.
By positing the prospect of eternity, religion can
bring stability and predictability to a situation of
uncertainty and conflict. The world economic
crisis has demonstrated graphically that stable
material prosperity is impossible without re-
liance on such fundamental concepts as spiritu-
ality, morality and goodness. Faith is a powerful source of spiritual values. It opens to the people
the supreme meaning of existence, gives them hope for the victory of good, and endows them
with energy for living.
At the same time, religious faith can be directed either at creative or destructive purposes. Un-
fortunately, religion as a factor in the modern world is generally associated with problems of
religious extremism and terrorism. Less attention is given to the positive potential of religion
in the life of society.
Russia has declared its course toward modernization. It is especially important, while borrowing
the best from other countries but at the same time relying on its own identity, to find a model
of development that would put it in the same league with stable and prosperous states.
When the Russian Orthodox Church speaks about the Russian World, it means a common
value space, not simply the Russian-speaking world or the circle of Russia's friends.
Russia needs to have a clear understanding of its mission as it addresses the rest of the world.
Russia's predominant mission could be defined as upholding the truth in the world.
The Russian World will exist not as a fine abstraction but as a real factor in international relations
when close ties are maintained between the countries that are the direct descendants of Kievan
Rus - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
It is also important to maintain church contacts with ancient Orthodox patriarchates in the
Middle East that are in a difficult ethnic-religious situation. The programs of my visits to broth-
erly ancient patriarchates include meetings with leaders of non-Orthodox and Muslim com-
munities, as well as the political leadership of these countries.
In the global world today there is not only the problem of relations with other civilizations and
cultures but also a pressing need to lay down rules and regulations for international contacts.
Wrapping up my presentation, I would like to note that the religious factor today plays an im-
portant role in foreign policy, as well as in international relations.
Russia's Spiritual Mission