Стр. 2 - листалка

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Author :
Sergei Lavrov
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia
Esteemed guests.
Dear friends.
We have agreed to meet here in this format to discuss
the role of religion as a factor in international rela-
tions and its impact on the realization of our foreign
policy. I am sincerely grateful to the Holy Patriarch
for his personal participation in our meeting.
The tradition of cooperation between Russia's diplo-
matic service and the Russian Orthodox Church
(ROC) goes back centuries. In recent history, following the breakup of the Soviet Union, when the
state did not have an effective way of staying in touch with those who had ended up abroad virtually
overnight, the Russian Orthodox Church assumed the role as a link and the custodian of spiritual
and cultural values, providing a lifeline to our compatriots abroad.
Today we have a very broad field for interaction: Objectively, the interests of the Russian Church
harmoniously complement the Russian Foreign Ministry's work with our compatriots abroad and
our peacekeeping efforts in the CIS and other regions, facilitating the invigoration of interstate ties.
A good case in point are the steps that the ROC leadership took in promoting an atmosphere of
empathy with the Polish people
Together, we oppose any manifestations of racism, xenophobia, and intolerance, as well as any at-
tempts to divide the world along religious, ethnic, or cultural lines. We have a common understanding
of the importance of interreligious, intercultural dialogue. The Foreign Ministry's priorities include
the promotion of the initiative to establish a consultative religious council under the aegis of the
UN, as well as the launch of a full-fledged mechanism for religious "dialogue" at UNESCO, where
some progress has been made, although things are moving very slowly.
I would like to assure you, Your Holiness, that the Foreign Ministry will continue to provide the
Russian Orthodox Church every assistance in strengthening its positions abroad and restoring its
property rights to land plots and churches that historically belonged to Russia, as well as render legal,
consular, and information support on all matters of interest to you.
Needless to say, the religious factor in global politics is a complex, diverse subject requiring an espe-
cially well balanced approach.
We regard the consolidation of the moral basis of international relations as part of big time politics.
Электронное приложение к журналу «
Международная жизнь
International Affairs: Summary№2, 2011
Strengthening the Moral Foundations of International Relations