Стр. 22 - V

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Электронное приложение к журналу «
Международная жизнь
Radicalization processes in the Middle East have forced the United States to take account of
new threats and challenges in its Middle Eastern policy planning while Israel has tightened se-
curity measures, including by buying more U.S. weapons.
In summing up, one can draw the conclusion that American-Israeli relations have a direct effect
on the United States' Middle Eastern policy. They do not hinder Washington's policy in the re-
gion or the United States' arms or energy trade with Middle Eastern countries or economic co-
operation with them. Moreover, they quite often help the United States establish new forms of
cooperation with regional countries. The interests of the United States do not directly clash
with those of Israel even over the Syrian crisis, though the two countries are divided on the Syr-
ian issue.