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Author : R. Dzarasov
Head of the Department of Political Economy, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Doctor
of Science (Economics)
and continues to play one of the main roles in the in-
ternational political and military crises in Ukraine, in
the way they began and are unfolding. The American
ruling circles spent twenty-five post-Soviet years tight-
ening their grip on Ukraine and its people through a
network of institutions ranging from the oligarchs
with money in Western banks and numerous NGOs
to rigidly controlled political parties and neo-fascist
fighters - thrown into action at the opportune moment
to bring a pro-American regime to power.
GEORGE FRIEDMAN, head of the Stratfor global intelligence company close to the CIA, has
demonstrated that throughout the twentieth century the United States was busy preventing an
appearance in Eurasia a megapower, a center of attraction for the continent's people and re-
sources. Any heavyweight on the world arena will tip the global balance of power and undermine
American leadership. The defeat of Germany opened the United States a road to its hegemony
in the capitalist world; the Soviet Union's disintegration made it the world's only superpower.
Starting with the early 1990s, much was being said about economic reintegration that, however,
did not make CIS a reintegration instrument on the post-Soviet space.
Relations with Ukraine are Russia's weakest point in terms of its revival, especially in connection
with the growing importance of Eurasian integration.
The fast growth of economy and political influence of China is another source of Washington's
apprehensions: it is seen as a dynamic power that can, in the short-term perspective, claim lead-
ership in Eurasia and challenge the U.S. global hegemony. Weakening and isolation are two con-
tainment instruments expected to undermine China's growing economic, military and political
might. President Obama's "pivot to Asia" has been devised with this aim in view.
At the dawn of market reforms in China, Deng Xiaoping, its architect, laid the foundations of
the country's very cautious foreign policy so that to avoid conflicts with the West over an access
to its markets.
We all know that the European ABM system in Ukraine would devalue a considerable part of
the Russian nuclear shield and create an unfavorable balance of strategic armed forces.
THE WORLDWIDE BALANCE of energy sources and transportation routes is another im-
portant aspect of America's control of Ukraine.
It is expected that Ukraine would become an anti-Russian mechanism. Having moved the NATO
military machine very close to Russia's borders, America moved even closer to its cherished
American Interests in Eurasia and Ukraine