Стр. 10 - V

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tional acts include such definitions. There is also a need to study the attributes of information
war and elaborate a universally recognized definition since some of the specifics of unlawful
use of ICTs for the resolution of interstate differences are impeding in terms of its legal regu-
ICTs are not a weapon per se, which makes it difficult to classify an attack with the use of ICTs
as an armed one.
Specific attributes of the ICTS are in compliance with the fact that any war waged to conquest
or defeat the adversary violates the UN Charter and the principle of sovereign equality of states.
There is a need to elaborate a specific terminology, including such definitions as "information
weapons," "information warfare," "act of ICT-based aggression," etc. The principles of inter-
national humanitarian law would undergo substantial adjustment. In some cases, new legal norms
for international relations in information space should emerge. It is necessary to adapt the gen-
erally recognized principles and norms of international law to the specifics of digital space.
Электронное приложение к журналу «
Международная жизнь