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Электронное приложение к журналу «
Международная жизнь
Author : A. Budaev
Consul General of the Russian Federation in Rio de Janeiro, Candidate of Science (Political Science)
THE IMPORTANCE of "soft power" politics objectively in-
creases at the current transitional stage in world development,
which is characterized by the exacerbation of a number of dis-
agreements and problems, the escalation of conflicts and a lower
level of predictability.
Naturally, Russia's "soft power" diplomacy has been projected to
the activity of our state within the framework of regional organi-
zations that are of strategic importance for our national interests,
such as BRICS.
Importantly, the activity of the BRICS group is not aimed against
third countries or associations, which lends additional credibility
and force to its "soft power" diplomacy.
Despite its relatively short history, BRICS has emerged as a weighty factor in global politics,
whose role and influence constantly grow, arousing enhanced attention on the part of many
states and the international public.
Almost since the very first years of its existence, a distinct feature of BRICS' "soft power" has
been its significant scientific research and intellectual capability.
Youth policy is defined as an important element in the implementation of the "soft power" strat-
egy, above all, the formation of the BRICS "youth dimension." This challenging goal will be
achieved by holding a Forum of Young Leaders of the Association of States and the BRICS
Global University Summit, establishing the BRICS Network University and expanding the ad-
mission of citizens from BRICS countries to Russian higher educational institutions.
In addition, plans include stepping up the efforts to promote the cultural component of coop-
eration within the BRICS framework, among other things, by strengthening cultural exchanges
among the member states (with a special focus on promoting Russian culture) and facilitating
the development of cooperation in tourism among their relevant agencies, companies and op-
The successful implementation of the concept of the Russian Federation BRICS presidency in
2015-2016, including its "soft power" component, will help not only increase our state's weight
and influence in one of the most promising international cooperation formats, but also advance
Russian interests and informational and cultural influence on the global level. According to S.V.
Lavrov, "BRICS cooperation has a great future, since it responds to the fundamental interests
of our nations, the needs of global economic development and international security imperatives,
including the formation of a more equitable and democratic world order."19 The strengthening
of BRICS' "soft power" capability will help to put in place favorable prerequisites for achieving
new positions in global politics and will in due course have a positive impact on designing a new
model of interstate interaction and the establishment of a modern architecture of international
relations based on polycentrism, democracy and justice.
Russia's BRICS Presidency: Formulating a "Soft Power" Strategy