Стр. 37 - листалка

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Author : N. Konkin
Secretary of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
FOR NEARLY 20 YEARS of its existence, the Central Election
Commission of the Russian Federation has gained a wealth of ex-
perience in cooperation with its counterparts in other countries.
I will cite here only the high points of our cooperation with Latin
American partners.
The Central Election Commission of Russia and the National Elec-
toral Court of Peru proposed the creation of a new international
non-governmental organization to bring together those who organ-
ize elections in countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The practical
aspects of the plan were for the first time discussed by delegates of
two electoral agencies: The talks on November 24-25, 2008 took place in Lima concurrently
with the APEC summit and the state visit to Peru of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
Brazil is the largest and most influential Latin American country in which the organization
of elections is comparable in scale and complexity with organizing elections in today's
The greater diversity and broadness of contacts between experts of the CEC of Russia in
Latin America naturally resulted in the forming of partnership with Brazil - the largest and
most influential Latin American country in which organization of elections is comparable
in scale and complexity with organizing elections in today's Russia. Mutual interest in build-
ing contacts between us had been in evidence before, but the relationship between the two
electoral agencies achieved a real breakthrough in 2010.
The consultations Russia's CEC delegates had in Brazil with their Superior Electoral Court
counterparts were specific and detailed and indicating their eagerness to expand contacts
for mutual benefit.
Remarkably, our Brazilian counterparts never since departed from the principles of rela-
tions with Russia's CEC they stated in October 2010. Their earnest interest in building
business contacts with the Russian side was instrumental in making prompt arrangements
for their trip to Moscow and an important prerequisite for holding substantive and useful
The head of the Superior Electoral Court said he fully realized the importance of the fed-
eral election campaigns in Russia in 2011 and 2012. He was ready to give Russia's CEC all
possible support and assistance.
International Cooperation in the Area of Electoral Systems