Стр. 2 - листалка

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Author : Alexander Grushko,
Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation
Distinguished Ambassadors.
Ladies and gentlemen.
It's an honor for me to welcome participants
of the Conference that takes place at a time of
changes and dramatic developments in Europe
and adjacent areas.
More than twenty years have passed since the
fall of the Berlin Wall, one of the landmark
events of the end of the twentieth century.
World has entered a period of transition from
a global confrontation to a new cooperative se-
curity system.
The relations between the United States and Russia have been "reset," and a new Russian-
American START Treaty has entered into force. It has become possible to bring the rela-
tions between the Euro-Atlantic States to an unprecedented level of partnership.
The world, however, has become neither more predictable nor less dangerous. On the con-
trary, more uncertainties appear in the area of security, with new multidimensional risks
growing at an increasing rate and sometimes receiving no adequate response from the in-
ternational community.
It becomes more and more obvious that the existing architecture of European security,
grounded in many respects on the legal base of the last century, is in need of moderniza-
Today, it may seem strange that our initiative was seen by many as something "revolution-
ary" in a negative sense of this word. There was even sort of suspicion that Russia, for
some hidden reasons, seeks to destroy the existing system of security mechanisms in Eu-
We all know that such concerns are baseless. The processes triggered by the proposal for
a European Security Treaty provide the evidence thereof.
Russia is ready to take its share of responsibility in protecting the continent from potential
Электронное приложение к журналу «
Международная жизнь
International Affairs: Summary№5, 2011
"We Should Clean Up Our Relations From the Cold War