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Электронное приложение к журналу «
Международная жизнь
Author : N. Kasperskaya
President, Info Watch Group
At present, we deal with problems related to protecting
enterprises from all sorts of information security threats.
Our group includes five companies, each with own spe-
cialization. However, on the whole, we work in two key
areas - i.e., protection against external and internal
threats. In addition to actual products, we make recom-
mendations to enable users with different levels of pro-
ficiency to use information technologies that have
penetrated practically all areas - government agencies,
the business sector and the everyday life of every person.
Hacking attacks are a separate story. The phenomenon of so-called Russian hackers appeared in
the past three years and is being actively played up in foreign media outlets. You have justly noted
that it is an information smokescreen, not something real. In this context, let me remind you
about WikiLeaks where documents concerning the development of CIA viruses and the codes
of the malware developed by that agency were posted. These documents include the description
of a subdivision designed to cover the tracks of virus developers and camouflage them as hackers
working in some country or other.
We work quite a lot with the public sector even though it is not our main segment. Generally,
our clients are financial institutions and banks; then there are oil and gas companies (they are
also our best clients); finally, there is the public sector and mobile operators.
To ensure protection against attacks, we have a product called Attack Killer, which is built as a
three-segment system.
What often happens is that clients are told: "Let us protect you against DDoS attacks." However,
if a malicious program is already embedded in a system, then external protection will not help.
By contrast, our three-segment product does help.
It is necessary to invest money in domestic projects, not move it abroad, paying for intellectual
property that does not belong to us.
InfoWatch's charity program is focused mainly on helping children. We help children with com-
plicated conditions and we collaborate with several foundations. Sometimes, we are approached
privately and we also provide support.
"My Motto: Never Give Up!"