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Электронное приложение к журналу «
Международная жизнь
Author : A. Dzasokhov
Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Commission on UNESCO, Vice President of the Russian
International Affairs Council
A NEW ADDITION to the library of works by Ac-
ademician Yevgeny Primakov is a book with a
pointed title that adequately reflects the current stage
of history - Russia: Hopes and Fears.
The book deals with many of today's most impor-
tant topics.
Careful reading of the book shows convincingly just
how balanced and relevant to the country and its
people are the author's deep knowledge of interna-
tional relations (political and economic), on the one hand, and his combining it with a deep
understanding of the domestic situation inside Russia, on the other. This is perhaps the
most important feature of Primakov's books, to which not only his talents but his enor-
mous life experience testifies.
They range from the situation in Ukraine, around which political and international tensions
have deteriorated, as well as to the highly relevant problems of approaches to developing
federalism in Russia. The author contemplates both the role of the federal Russian state
and the prospects of the regions that comprise it.
What distinguishes this book from others Primakov has written is, of course, his deep
practical reasoning - in other words, offering practical solutions to a number of problems.
The author's posing of this issue is interesting. It would seem that the bipolar world is a
thing of the past, but Primakov goes on to explain it is high time we systematize and assess
Washington's views, as they are now the American ideology. On this matter, I agree with
Moving away from politics, Primakov proposes opening up the potential opportunities of
the EAEU countries' free trade zone to the rest of the world's nations regardless of their
geographical locations - whether they lie in Asia, the Americas, or in Africa. "In one way
or another," he writes, "the development of integration processes is a key parameter of
our globalizing world."
Another important topic is how Primakov was saving the Academy of Sciences. This story
deserves its own television coverage, and possibly even a movie adaptation.
It would seem that trust is a criterion by which Yevgeny Primakov's books can be judged.
If a reader believes in the author, such a work can help shape his own views.
Trust in the Author: A Criterion for Evaluating the Books of
Yevgeny Primakov