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Author : S. Sharko
School of World Economy and International Affairs, National Research University-Higher School of
Economics, Candidate of Science (Political Sciences)
South Korea's Geostrategic Interests and the Future of the
Korean Peninsula
THE GOVERNMENT of South Korea, led by new President
Park Geun-hye, is critically rethinking the practice of securing
the vital interests of their state in the geopolitical and geo-eco-
nomic space of the Korean Peninsula. Today, when shaping a
new system of global governance is the talk of the day, the re-
sponsibility of the Republic of Korea, as of any state, for the
events occurring in the East Asia region and the world at large
It is important for the South Korean state to reinforce its po-
sition on the global stage as an influential actor in world politics and economy.
The country needs to define its long-term strategic direction to build relations with both
world powers and neighboring countries, including the DPRK, on the basis of a proactive
foreign policy subordinated to coping not only with the narrow-scope economic goals of
the day, but also to the long-term geopolitical objectives of the state.
If South Korea is determined to protect and promote its national interests in the interna-
tional arena, it needs to be a modern global power occupying a key geostrategic position
in the new Asia.
THE PATH TO TRUST lies through mutually beneficial cooperation for common pros-
In terms of international politics, Park's initiatives in general aim to lead the way for a
peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula. Compelled objectively to be more open
and actively participate in the processes of globalization, South Korea has to assume the
role of a more vigorous player in normalizing relations with the North.
The foreign affairs initiatives of President Park Geun-hye reveal that national interests
have prompted South Korean society to embark on a search for new foreign policy and
economic priorities to further the strategic direction of the Republic of Korea. So far,
South Korea is slowly gearing up for very cautious contacts with the North: Barack Obama
has endorsed Park's strategy to bring the North out of its isolation through trustpolitik
and it is coordinated with the general actions of the United States.
South Korea's Geostrategic Interests