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put an end to the Ottoman domination in the region.
There are many historical sources that convincingly testify that Emperor Nicholas II spared no
effort to keep Russia away from a European war.
The alliance of Russia, France and Great Britain known as The Entente is largely a product of
Nicholas II's persistent diplomatic efforts. This means that the Russian Empire could rely on
the strong support of the Western Front and of the world's strongest British Navy.
The moral foundations of foreign policy laid by Emperor Nicholas II proved to be viable to the
extent that the Soviet government turned to them when the international political course of
Lenin and Trotsky failed. To preserve the Soviet state, Stalin had no choice but to borrow some
of the foreign policy traditions of the Russian Empire.
It should be said that today Russia is the only country that relies on the principles of morality in
its foreign policies. For example, during NATO's aggression in Libya, Vladimir Putin was the
only world leader to call on the leaders of the United States, Britain and France to repent of the
lost lives of Libyan women and children. This indicates the continuity between the policy that
Russia is pursuing today and the policy that was pursued under Emperor Nicholas II.