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Электронное приложение к журналу «
Международная жизнь
as a way of talking to voters clearly wasn't enough to make him win the election.
Like Clinton, Trump employed the tactic of turning a bad job into a good one, and it worked.
The Facebook top brass knew exactly who was responsible for the information security of their
clients. They didn't advocate the confidentiality of users. They had a diametrically opposite goal
to pursue in Trump's campaign strategy - to take advantage of users' lack of confidentiality.
Let us stress that innovative technologies that caused the greatest annoyance to Clinton and
Obama were not Russian but American, used by American citizens on U.S. territory.
It can be said that, effectively, the election struggle between Trump and Clinton deprived ordinary
Americans of their right to a secret ballot, inflicted tremendous damage on the entire U.S. dem-
ocratic system, discredited it, and demonstrated that the American people had fallen victim to
state-of-the-art information weapons - Facebook monitoring and Big Data technology - which
were used against them from within the country, and which can make voters stop believing that
democratic principles are compatible with the Internet.