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Электронное приложение к журналу «
Международная жизнь
Author : Elena Ponomareva, Professor, Department of Comparative Politics, School of Political Science,
Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russ-
ian Federation, Doctor of Science (Political Science)
Miroslav Mladenovic, Professor, Department of Humanities, Faculty of Security Studies, University of
Belgrade, Doctor of Science (Political Science)
IN THIS ERA of global political, economic and informa-
tion transformations, public diplomacy holds an increasingly
strong position as an effective form of international political
activity. Due to technological progress, domestic and foreign
policy is itself becoming a public field of activity, "a new
genre of government in the age of information."
an activity pursued not by the state but by a "self-motivated
part" of society, "including any citizen who is not indifferent
to what .... is happening in Russia and beyond."
Besides, public diplomacy has its own target audiences. Professional diplomacy is the exchange of opin-
ions within the same political environment - diplomats and politicians take action to influence a policy
course of a foreign country, its political decision-making and corresponding measures. The target au-
diences of public diplomacy are the societies of foreign countries from ordinary citizens to civil society
institutions. Changed or shaped by foreign public diplomacy, the public opinion of a country can in-
fluence the latter's foreign policy agenda. The public diplomacy of a country may also result in a dif-
ferent attitude to that country on the part of various nongovernmental entities abroad such as media
outlets, nongovernmental organizations, foundations, or business associations.
Public diplomacy is not the same as propaganda - it has different objectives and methods.
Information and explanation are the best description of what public diplomacy is all about. Public
diplomacy primarily means information about a country, its culture, values and politics aiming to stim-
ulate a desire to cooperate with it. Simultaneously, public diplomacy is a way for a country to prevent
discrediting its policies. Bulgarians, Greeks or Serbs who know the history of their countries, are familiar
with Russian culture and traditions, often visit Russia and closely collaborate with various Russian non-
profit organizations, in other words, come within the realm of
Russian public diplomacy, will never believe in memes about the aggressive policy of Russia that are
propagated by Western media and social networks.
IN CONCLUSION, let us emphasize once again that public diplomacy is pivotal to the advancement
of Russia and for ensuring a key role for it in the rapidly changing world. Public opinion is a principal
political barometer in any country, and the Balkans are no exception. Russia needs a permanent and se-
rious dialogue with every segment of society in Balkan countries. Most importantly, one should re-
member that non-cooperation also produces results, just as cooperation does. Russia's plan is to
cooperate. The next step is to put it into practice.
Russia's Public Diplomacy: The Balkan Aspect