Стр. 9 - V

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on the Lomonosov Ridge to extend the Arctic shelf can be solved by establishing a dividing line
based on compromise.
Just as Norway, Denmark proceeds from the principle of boundaries being the median line and
proposes dividing the Arctic among the states along the lines that are equidistant from the nearest
points of the baselines of the Arctic states' coasts.
China, not being an Arctic state, lays no claim to the Arctic shelf wealth, but is closely watching
the situation and waiting for a time when the Arctic states straighten out legal issues and establish
transparent and understandable rules for free passage through the Arctic waters. China has al-
ready appreciated the advantages of sea transit from China to Europe and the eastern U.S. along
the Canadian and Russian northern sea routes, which, with year-round navigation, will be 6,000
to 7,000 km shorter each way.
All participants of civilized and constructive collaboration on issues related to new technology,
economic and investment cooperation, exchanges of information on the Arctic issues, etc. will
benefit as a result.