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Author : L. Smirnova
Senior Research Associate, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Foreign Expert Lecturer, Xiamen University, People's Republic of China, Candidate of Science (Political
RUSSIA'S EASTWARD TURN in its foreign policy has re-
sulted in the resumption of debates on proposed Eurasian
priorities in its educational and scientific policies. The political
basis for this is a Russian-Chinese statement on the planned
mutual integration of two projects, the Eurasian Economic
Union and Silk Road Economic Belt, that was issued during
a Russian-Chinese summit in Moscow on May 8, 2015.
THE MUTUAL INTEGRATION of the education and sci-
entific research systems of various countries is a way of build-
ing knowledge economies. The knowledge economy concept
is not new. In Russia, Valery Makarov, a member of the Russ-
ian Academy of Sciences, is a long-time and enthusiastic ad-
vocate of it.
However, a combination of factors has made it much more popular among the world's political
and economic elites in recent years.
As we build the Eurasian higher education area, we should remember that its ultimate purpose
is to sustain and raise the quality of higher education in Russia and the region as a whole.
The Chinese have found a good solution: a lecturer is entitled to a sabbatical - either one year's
leave every five years or six months' leave every two and a half years.
We would like to emphasize that reasonable concern for maintaining the quality traditions of its
higher education should not prevent Russia from showing flexibility and trust in considering the
recognition of education qualifications obtained in partner countries.
THE HARMONIZATION of education standards and mutual recognition of education qual-
ifications and research achievements as part of Eurasian educational integration will help stim-
ulate academic mobility among SCO member countries and eventually create an academic, expert,
and interpersonal communication basis for the social and economic development of the region.
Current State and Objectives of the Eurasian Higher Education