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to counteract a growing American-Soviet influence both in Europe itself and in the zone of
"European" interests. Under Pompidou, the outlines of the future European Union were drawn,
including the initiation of discussions on the creation of a single European currency;
- The French leaders' balanced and professional reaction to the demand of African states on re-
vising inequitable cooperation treaties signed in the 1960s, has allowed France to preserve with
its former African colonies the relations based on the preferential treatment principles.
There is no doubt that the author of the monograph has succeeded in moving out of historical
shadow President Georges Pompidou who was somehow lost among other luminaries of French
politics. Georges Pompidou has been portrayed as a strong supporter not only of the united but
also of the "European Europe." One of the fundamental conceptions of Pompidou's legacy in
international affairs is the idea that the trade and economic ties should never get mixed up with
political considerations but rather be flexibly adapted to suit political objectives.