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military-political sphere.
It took Germany several decades to become the leader of Europe. It had covered a tortuous
road of making peace with France, its enemy of long standing, and with its closest neighbors;
there had been "the German economic miracle" and the tragic division and the coveted reunifi-
cation before it arrived at an absolute leadership in Europe. In the terms of Realpolitik, the U-
turn was exchanged for the guarantees of its hard-won domination in Europe.
Simon Serfaty has pointed out: "The balance of military forces appears to favor Russia more
than ever before; rarely, too, has the balance of economic influence been as favorable to Germany
as it is now."
"Atlantic discipline," the price Germany paid to Washington proved to be fairly high while the
Unites States used this "stone" to kill two birds: it has "divorced" Berlin and Moscow (to weaken
the latter to the greatest extent possible) while shouldering tactical support of German leadership
in Europe at the minimal risk for itself. Indeed, there are London and several absolutely loyal
East European and Baltic states to look after Germany.
The choice made by Frau Merkel is full of holes, the biggest being the hardly predictable devel-
opments in Europe. Irrespective of the angle at which we contemplate the situation in Europe
we will see economic collapse, mounting ethnic tension and signs of a crisis gradually unfolding
in the EU.
It remains to be seen whether the Eurasian vector of cooperation between Russia and Germany
and Russia and Europe will become attractive enough; much will depend on whether the EAEU
project proves successful. Not matter how Utopian is a possibility of closer relationships between
the EU and EAEU the statement about possible cooperation has been made. We live at the times
when history moves amazingly fast.