Стр. 30 - листалка

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of work from scratch.
Neither the Church nor society has ever faced such challenges before. We cannot turn to the ex-
perience of the past - to the experience, say, of the Byzantine Church, traditional experience, or
any other experience for that matter. We can only formulate our attitude to this challenge of moder-
nity. The Church cannot keep silent on this matter.
Valery Neronov,
Vice-President of the International Coordinating Council of the UNESCO Man and the
Biosphere Programme, Deputy Chairman of Russian Committee of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Pro-
gramme, Senior Researcher at the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution:
First of all, I would like to note that our mass media pay very little attention to international bio-
diversity forums. Russian organizations that participate in the work of the Convention on Biological
Diversity have not done anything to publicize their activities. We do not know anything about the
trip of our delegation to Nagoya or the decisions that were taken there.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should accord attention to such important events and agreements
and actively participate in them. One should invite to these roundtables not only scientists, who
are just patriots that do all they can, but also representatives of related ministries that are responsible
for this. The problem is that they apparently do not participate in international forums and do not
try to bring such events to Russia.
In other words, nothing serious is being done to promote Russia's leading role in the domain of
bioprotection. As long as Russia does nothing at home, it will not get any prerogatives in interna-
tional cooperation.
Olga Tynyanova,
Editor-in-Chief of the magazine Space and Time:
I believe that it would be important, first of all, to use the results of our round table to draft a bill
requiring this issue to be included in the legislation. We have a lot of laws that are not implemented.
We must think more about the mechanisms of their implementation. Secondly, international co-
operation has also begun to focus on education recently. For example, Norway's arctic development
strategy is based on education, including environmental education, and aims to promote Norwegian
environmental priorities internationally.
V. Sokolenko:
Let's sum up. For the first time in human history, the conflict between man and na-
ture and the antagonism between civilization and the biosphere have become a central problem of
the survival of civilization. One must start from there. Our discussion has shown that there are
two possible ways of overcoming this problem. The first may be called the "innovative capitalist
path". The second path that is being increasingly discussed in international scientific circles and
that is gaining an ever greater number of proponents is the noospheric conception. Today, many
consider this conception to be Utopian on account of the firmly established mindset of modern
man, who, as Academician Danilov-Danilyan noted, requires "ethical reeducation."