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Author : Sergey Ryabkov
Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation
The eight years of Barack Obama is a period when we saw
in effect two different administrations under his leadership.
The first four-year period passed under the "reset" slogan. I
keep saying that this is an American term that was introduced
by the Americans. That four-year period was marked by the
signing of some significant agreements with the United
States. They are still useful, helping keep our relations from
slipping into an abyss, and they have a positive impact on in-
ternational security.
Another important thing that should be mentioned is that
during Barack Obama's second four-year period the United States began methodically destroying the
edifice and even the foundation of our relations.
We know very little about the new U.S. president's approaches toward foreign policy issues. What we
have observed is important but only fragmentary. We believe that a great deal will depend on the com-
position of the team that he will put together.
On the whole, I believe that the extent of continuity in American politics in the transition from one
administration to another cannot be underestimated. This holds true even in the present, rather unusual
Turkey is a key member of the alliance, a key U.S. ally, and we understand that very well. However, let's
work on a reasonable basis. This is the point of the signal that we are constantly sending.
I simply cannot remember a more intensive dialogue than our dialogue with the U.S. on Syria in recent
years. I have not witnessed anything that would even come close to this degree of the intensity of con-
tacts and the focus of dialogue. Of course, a key role in this dialogue belongs to Foreign Minister S.V.
Lavrov and Secretary of State John Kerry. However, much to our regret, it turned out that the Barack
Obama administration as a whole was unable to reach any agreement. What the secretary of state said
was often disavowed by his colleagues in Washington and the U.S. political leadership.
The factor of personal mutual understanding between the leaders has always been of the utmost im-
portance in Russian-U.S. relations. I do not know the history of Russian-U.S. relations well enough to
follow this at all stages, but what I have seen happen - and that is about 15 years - shows that this holds
true. I hope that there will be good mutual understanding with the 45th U.S. president.
Regarding the first part of the question, as has already been stated at a very high level in the Kremlin,
we are ready and open - as soon as our colleagues are ready for that. We understand that the U.S. ad-
ministration will first take its seats, the cabinet will be formed, the inauguration ceremony will take
place, and there will be other appointments. I believe a top level meeting in 2017 is quite possible.
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Международная жизнь
International Affairs: Summary№1, 2017
The Russian Track: As Barack Obama Leaves, He Leaves Ruins