Стр. 29 - V

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Author : Yu. Voytenko
Adviser, Consular Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, postgraduate at
the Department of World Political Processes, School of Political Science, Moscow State Institute (Uni-
versity) of International Relations, Mnistry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
SECURITY has always been a key point of the for-
eign policy of any state. In this era of globalization,
classical diplomacy is not the only method used by
world powers to keep themselves secure. They also
make extensive use of alternative efficient ways of
handling modern threats and challenges.
Such ways include biometrics, which are measure-
ments and analyses based on the combined use of bi-
ological data, information technology, mathematics, and statistics. Biometrics involve checking
the identity of an individual by studying their biological characteristics such as facial features,
voice patterns, handwriting, fingerprints, hand geometry, iris patterns, and DNA.
In 2002, 188 countries, including Russia, signed a civil aviation security convention that estab-
lished facial biometrics as the main identification technology to be used in next-generation pass-
ports and entry visas, with iris and fingerprint biometrics being optional.
A Russian Foreign Ministry decree instructed the Federal Migration Service (FMS) and its
branches in the Kaliningrad region, the police force of that region, and Russian diplomatic mis-
sions and consulates in Germany and Lithuania to provide Russian nationals with biometric
passports as from January 1, 2006 if they opted to have e-passports rather than ordinary pass-
Visas are another key type of document where biometrics is to be used under Presidential Di-
rective No. Pr-850 of May 5, 2008.
An application for a Russian visa will carry an ordinary photograph of the applicant whereas
the biometric data such as a digital photo and fingerprints will be forwarded to central authorities
for authentication.
The main purpose of this project is to test out the technology of scanning and transmission of
the biometric data of visa applicants and interaction with visa centers that obtain such data. The
project does not involve either the accumulation or the use of biometric data.
The Russian Foreign Ministry is going to put proposals before the country's top leadership for
the allocation of sufficient funds for providing all consular institutions and border checkpoints
with fingerprint authentication technology.
Fingerprint authentication will be an effective barrier to illegal migration. It will enable security
and law enforcement agencies to take more efficient action to prevent terrorists from entering
Russia and will supply them with more information in criminal investigations.
Use of Biometric Technology by the Russian Foreign Ministry:
History, Trends and Prospects