Стр. 26 - V

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Электронное приложение к журналу «
Международная жизнь
ACCORDING to the 1991 population census, there were 1 million 143 thousand people living
in Rwanda. The civil war and the 1994 genocide killed or drove out of the country up to 40%
of its population. The UN experts estimate the losses from 800 thousand to 1 million; over 2
million became refugees. This is the official summing up of the genocide. Nevertheless, the
number of the dead and the refugees from different social groups and their correlation look
POLITICIANS who are still perfecting their skills of gambling with the political regimes of
sovereign states should have given more thought to this sad story and repent. Today, certain
states are proclaimed to be "the sphere of vital interests" of one or several states that have
usurped the right to adjust the system of international relations to their interests.
In a relatively short time, the situation has changed considerably: Russia has accumulated enough
strength to regain a worthy place in the world community. The United States feels pressed by
China. Washington has responded with even more active interference in the affairs of sovereign
states in a hope to remain the only superpower. Ageing Europe is not strong enough to stand
up to the diktat of its "ally" even to the detriment of its own interests. History has taught us,
however, that in the past mankind could gather enough power and wisdom to oppose madness
and bloodshed.