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Author : V. Bushuyev
Director General, "Globalization and Sustainable Development. Institute of Energy Strategy Co (Ltd.)",
Professor, Doctor of Science (Technology)
THE WORLD has come dangerously close to a hot stage
of World War III; today the war is in full swing albeit in
a different form. Confrontation has gone beyond schol-
arly and culturological discussions, political dialogues in
the media, threats, and sanctions. Today, civilizations no
longer clash for the right to follow their own paths, de-
velop according to their traditions and their own vision
of modernity. This is a struggle for survival and for the
right to remain on the stage of history.
This is not an evil design of evil forces; the clash at the turn of a millennium reflects the objective
process: the dominance of world development is shifting from the mercantile patriarchate to
the spiritual matriar-chate; from universalism and globalism to variety and self-sufficiency of
human values and development priorities; from the material to the spiritual.
Change of development paradigms is never peaceful: at all times, it is accompanied by an un-
compromising confrontation between the past and the future.
The world is acutely aware that it needs a different development vector dominated by socio-hu-
manism. ... Socio-humanism presupposes an integration of personal cultural-spiritual elements
and a collective form of coexistence among peoples.
Western propaganda proved more effective for the simple reason that while looking unbiased
on the surface it permitted a limited share of criticism of Western shortcomings and a carefully
measured praise of the opponents. Demonstration of material wellbeing in everyday life proved
very attractive for those who denied themselves the necessities for the sake of "world peace."
Today, all pretenses have been pushed aside: bogeys are piled up to scare audiences and affect
We should arrive at a much clearer understanding of the idea of civilization so that to acquire a
much better understanding of the objective processes of world development and of subjective
possibilities of behavior.
This potential is used by all sorts of subjects in their own interests to ensure continued existence
of their own societies or to promote the interests of mankind.
The world is acutely aware that it needs a different development vector dominated by socio-hu-
The Ukrainian crisis provoked by the West was not a struggle against the corrupt Yanukovich
regime. This is a clash of civilizations. It will not end any time soon.
Energy of Eurasia and Clash of Civilizations