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Электронное приложение к журналу «
Международная жизнь
Authors: : Anatoly Kulikov, President, Military Chiefs Club of the Russian Federation, Doctor of
Science (Economics), General of the Army (Ret.)
Vladimir Goltsov, Deputy General Director, AtomEkspert, Candidate of Science (Economics), Colonel
ONE OF THE MAIN POINTS on the agenda of
the fifth meeting of the Elbe Group in Marrakesh
(Morocco, March 22-24, 2014) was a discussion of
the vulnerabilities of the international physical se-
curity and nuclear protection regime.
Russia and the U.S. have done a lot to develop
global opportunities in a search for ways and meth-
ods of preventing, detecting and responding to acts
of nuclear terrorism, including the Global Initiative
to Combat Nuclear Terrorism. The identification of the steps that countries and the in-
ternational community could take to counter this threat is a complicated and time-con-
suming process. There is a lack of new ideas and mutual trust.
The goal of the Elbe Group is to create an open and continuous communication channel
on sensitive issues. The Elbe Group is unique since it includes former chiefs and officers
of the Internal Affairs
The Russian participants formulated the following proposals:
1. All nuclear weapons and special nuclear materials, nuclear and other radioactive materials
and the related installations and activities in Russia are protected in accordance with the
norms of binding legal instruments, national legislation and regulations.
2. An international physical security and nuclear protection regime has been created under
IAEA auspices and national regimes are developing.
3. The international physical security and nuclear protection regime is vulnerable to the
extent to which its weak elements are vulnerable.
4. Vulnerabilities of the national physical security and nuclear protection regime result
from partial or complete loss of the ability to ensure the functioning of its chief compo-
nents and principles.
5. Physical nuclear security is a special area of activity, a sphere where the formation of a
single international standard modeled, for example, on universal aviation security standards
is presently impossible.
The central theme of the Group's work includes the issues of countering nuclear terror-
The Russian-American Elbe Group